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A major drawback of conventional fertilizer is their fast dissolution in soil compared to their absorptivity by crops. Consequently, water runoff results in the loss of fertilizers nutrients and contamination of the environment around us. In order to improve the efficiency of inorganic fertilizers and minimize the loss of the nutrients supplied by them, many researchers focusing on the development of Controlled- Release Fertilizers (CRF).

The controlled release fertilizers are evolved to reduce nutrition loss and increase fertilizer use efficiency. Coated fertilizers are one of the types of controlled release fertilizer, physically prepared by coating granules of conventional fertilizers with various materials to reduce dissolution rate. Controlled release fertilizers (CRF) are designed and manufactured in the manner that they release nutrients in controlled manner, and it is synchronized with need of plants for nutrients during the growth. An ideal controlled release fertilizer retards fertilizer release so that single application of the fertilizer can meet nutrient requirement for model crop growth. To increase fertilizer use efficiency and to reduce its negative impact on environment has been the focal points in the world around for a long time.

Use of controlled release fertilizers (CRFs) can increase nutrient-use efficiency, minimize nutrient losses, and protect the environment. Thus, the use of CRFs is considered to be a Best Management Practice (BMP) tool for achieving higher yield goals. A relatively small research quantum is reported regarding the production of controlled release coated fertilizers and their use in oilseeds .


The Company has developed chemical fertilizers using the “Bio-polymer Coated Slow-Release Fertilizer Technology” whose base is laid by nanotechnology.

Controlled Release Fertilizers (CRFs) are prepared by coating granules of conventional fertilizers with various materials to reduce dissolution rate. They are designed and manufactured in the manner that they release nutrients in controlled manner, and it is synchronized with need of plants for nutrients during the growth. This technology can solve the soil problems as well as nourish soil in an innovative way, with environment friendly approach.
