Future Projects

Future Projects

Apart from present service provider work, company wiling to enter in the direct manufacturing of the fertilizer needed for agriculture, but the range of fertilizer or the technology behind its formulations is far modern than the existing conventional fertilizer present in the market.

We do have lots of fertilizer grades in the market, but exponential use of the same in the agriculture resulted in the some serious issues on soil health and the soil micro- flora. At present day, on record, 45% of the total cultivable land is at the edge of the non-fertility and no one is looking at it. Farmers are using more and more fertilizers day by day for getting more crop yield, but it is only resulted in the soil health problems not in the increased yield.

In this contest, we SVAGRO OVERSEAS PVT LTD wishing to bring whole new technology to market i.e. “Bio-polymer Coated Slow Release Fertilizer Technology” whose base is laid by nanotechnology and it can overcome the problems of the existing fertilizers in the market. This technology can solve the soil problems as well as nourish soil never before with environment friendly approach.

Mr. Orgo™

Agriculture in now days is in the transformation stage. Everyone wants to eat healthy food and farmers want to grow in healthy, environmentally friendly approach. But this process of growing healthy food is not getting speed because of some factors like :

  • Nonscientific approach of farming
  • Not following APEDA guidelines
  • Lack of growing technology
  • Lack of single window solutions for all residue free farming problems
  • Lack of co-ordination between growers-Traders-consumers
  • Psychology of farmers- residue free farming leads to less yields
  • Too High Prices for Organic/residue free Commodities to end use consumers
  • Lack of extension activity by govt
  • Psychology that it’s for elite community

We have technology that can overcome these speed breakers. Heavy use of chemicals in agriculture leads to many consequences which are known today. Health and immune system of human got importance in this post-covid period. India is agriculture country and people if India deserves nutritious food without hazardous pesticides.

MrOrgo is a mobile application concept that can revolutionize the farming industry. Everyone has smartphones in their hands, and it is acting as essential elements in the daily life. This handy device “Smartphones” can be used as tool for the modernization of the agriculture in an environmentally friendly approach. we will provide all technology, production guidelines, required inputs for farming and market for the produced commodity at fair price. All the processes from sowing of the crop to serving in doorstep to consumer will be carried out trough MrOrgo Mobile Applications.

Basic idea behind MrOrgo project is to provide healthy food to Indian people through healthy agricultural practices
